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Bethany sould DEFINETLY have her own doll i would totally buy it. I would be stoked if they did!!

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Q: Are they going to make a Bethany Hamilton doll?
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Related questions

How much money does Bethany Hamilton make?

a lot.

What is the date of birth of Bethany Hamilton and how old would that make her in 2008?

Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8, 1990 making her 18 years old in 2008.

What contributions did Bethany Hamilton make to society?

she lost her arm n stuff

Are actual videos of Bethany Hamilton used in soul surfer?

Yes. In fact, Bethany Hamilton and her family helped fund for the film and to give the creators opinions and actual facts in order to make the film as accurate as possible

What achievements did Bethany Hamilton make?

Surfing after the shark attack, becoming a pro surfer lots of things google it

Did the girl who had the shark attack make a book named Soul Surfer?

Yes, if you mean Bethany Hamilton, who lost her left arm

Are they going to make a operetta doll?

operetta is in stores

Was Bethany Hamilton attacked ever again after she was in 2003?

The most possible cause was that the shark was aggravated by the sunlight reflecting off of Bethany's watch. (Sunlight, shiny objects and blood easily attract and can sometimes make sharks feel threatened)

Did Bethany Hamilton make the shark attack her for popularity?

No. The shark attack literally happened out of nowhere. She didn't want to be famous and she has finally gotten used to all the fame

Were to find a costume on Bethany Hamilton?

There is no costume, but with some imagination, you can make one! (try a bikini bottom and a surf shrt with the top under and hide your arm under!)

Did the actress of the girl in soul surfer really lose her arm?

No, she wore a green sleeve and it was edited later on to make the illusion that she had no arm. Most of the surf scenes, you don't see her face because it's actually Bethany Hamilton surfing. Pretty smart how they did it, hey?

What happened to the shark that attacked Bethany Hamilton?

after she got rushed to the hospitial, one of her friends went out fishing with his dad and they looked for the tiger shark, and once they found it they captured it and killed it that way no one would be attacked by a tiger shark like Bethany did at 7:00, if youwant more info get the book soul surfer and they are going to make a movie out of it April 4