Fish tanks can turn white for a variety of reasons. Many fish shops can test the water if a sample is brought in. Typically white water is due to not being circulated or over feeding.
wipe it....(:
It means the tank should be cleaned.
The white scale on the inside of the fish tank is from a buildup of minerals that were in the water.
You can purchase white aquarium rocks for your fish tank at pet stores, aquarium supply stores, or online retailers that specialize in aquarium supplies.
Yes they can ! White-spot is a fungal infection - which WILL spread thought the tank !
i dont think they will die. ussaly some kinds of baby fish start out very strange and all sorts of colors. maybe you should call the pet store.
Barry White...
your fish have a funus growing on them that will kill them go to aquarium and buy white spot and fungas medication. remove fish from DIRTY tank. clean tank. medicate the water. if fish are sharing tank with other fish keep them separate and medicate till whits spot is gone this fungus will contract to all other fish if let go is mostly brought to tank by introducing plants or other fish that have already been contaminated.also by a DIRTY tank
Fish tanks can turn white for a variety of reasons. Many fish shops can test the water if a sample is brought in. Typically white water is due to not being circulated or over feeding.
the great white shark, (the sharks kill each other off in the sack for food!)
The white fins wont be moving and they will be at the bottom of the tank