Yes, they would obviously know about it. When a title loan company offers you a title loan, it will check the car title well in advance. When it checks the title, it will easily come to know about any liens.
You can order a title report from a title company or a real estate attorney.
== == Title insurance cost differ from state to state, and the full question to be evaluated should be, what is the title insurance and title-related closing costs on a sale. Shop for your title company, compare the title insurance rate and fees. Find out every item they plan to charge you for, and compare them to several title companies. Be sure to do at the beginning of the transaction and don't let your realtor or broker pick the title insurance company for you. Its your choice, not theirs. Be sure to to remember that you may be entitled to certain credits depending on when you intially purchased the property, and even more of when you are refinancing. Don't forget to take control of your own transaction and compare title companies if you are refinancing too! There is usually a cost to both the seller and the buyer, and it varies from title company to title company. You have to have it. Occasionally, if the title search was done by the title company for the previous transaction, there may be a price break.
Call a title company
In most cases the title company that closed your loan is the agent for the title insurance company, and can be contacted regarding insurance issued on your property.AnswerContact the Agency that issued the title insurance at time of closing. If an Owner's Policy was paid for, they should have issued you an actual insurance policy, complete with a Title Jacket and Policy Number. If you never received this and paid for one, request an original or a certified copy of it. The Policy will reference the title UNDERWRITING COMPANY that is insuring the Policy. ie: First American, Stewart, Chicago,etc. That is who the actual COMPANY. The agency only acts in behalf of the Underwriter and is not the actual insurer.
earlier dlf sponsered the ipl now pepsi is the prime sponsor
DLF Ltd is the title sponsor for IPL and does not earn any revenue using IPL. They gain massive amounts of Advertisements through IPL and that is the only thing they get out of sponsoring.
DLF stands for DLF Ltd the title sponsor for the Indian Premier League T20 Cricket tournament
The sponsors of ipl this year is Pepsi,Kingfisher,Hero,etc.
DLF is the title sponsor. Hero Honda, Citibank, karbonn mobiles, maxx mobile, nokia, kingfisher etc are all sponsors of the event in the year 2011
DLF stands for DLF Limited the chief sponsor for the IPL tournament. DLF is a leading real estate and infrastructure company in India.
Delhi Land and Finance Indian Premier League.
Nike and sahara are the sponsors of Indian cricket team.
Full form of DLF is Delhi Land and Finance India's biggest property developer DLF Group paid US$50 million to be the title sponsor of the tournament for 5 years from 2008 to 2013
DLF is a company which sponsors the IPL