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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

In the book "Heat" by Mike Lupica, the antagonist is Coach Powers, who creates conflict for the main character, Michael, by favoring his own son over Michael and putting pressure on him to perform.

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Q: Who is the antagonist in the book heatby mike lupica?
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Who is the antagonist in the book heat?

In the book "Heat" by Mike Lupica, the antagonist is Coach Powers, who is the rival coach of the protagonist's basketball team. He represents the obstacles and challenges the main character faces as he strives for success in sports.

What is the antagonist in heat by mike lupica?

The antagonist were the people who were trying to prove that Michael was too old to play.

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When mike lupica wrote his first book?

Mike Lupica wrote his first book on 17 August, 1984. Mike's first book was called,"Dead Air."

How many pages does HERO by mike lupica?

the answer is about 330 pages i have the book.

What is the point of view to the big field by mike lupica?

The resolution would be to read the book Heat by Mike Lupica! - Izzy Daniels

What is Mike Lupica's favorite book?

his favorite book to read is Twilight

What was the name of the travel team in the book by mike lupica?


What was the first book mike lupica ever read?

the stars

What point of view is the book The Heat by Mike Lupica?

The book "The Heat" by Mike Lupica is written in the third-person point of view. This means that the narrator is an outsider telling the story about the characters and events from an observational perspective.

What is the shortest mike lupica book?

One of the shortest books by Mike Lupica is "Batting Order," which is a young adult novel about baseball. It has around 160 pages.