"Safe at Home" by Mike Lupica is set in the small town of Walton, New Jersey. The story primarily takes place in the protagonist's neighborhood and at Walton High School, where Baseball is a central theme. The setting evokes a sense of community, friendship, and the passion for the sport of baseball.
sckool and home
"the book safe at home" does not contain any past tense verbs.You could add the word "was": The book was safe at home.Was is a past tense verb of "to be".
it was in a home Mason's foster home during the summer.
home and at school and new york
if u r saying safe as houses in a school n home in the rain
The setting is in the summer, usually at Greg's school, his home, Rowley's home, and a bunch of different places due to flashbacks he has.
Gregs house
the gun is the setting in the book
"Safe at Home" by Mike Lupica is set in present-day New York City, primarily in the Bronx. The story takes place in various locations, including a middle school, a baseball field, and the main character's home. The setting captures the essence of urban life and the world of youth baseball.
the setting is where the book takes place also what time and date where the characters are from may be the same answer but also it maybe there home town