"Heat" by Mike Lupica follows the story of Michael Arroyo, a young Cuban immigrant who dreams of playing in the Little League World Series. The plot diagram would include the introduction of the characters and setting, the rising action as Michael faces challenges on and off the field, the climax when his true age is questioned, the falling action as he fights to prove himself, and the resolution when he ultimately achieves his dream.
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The resolution would be to read the book Heat by Mike Lupica! - Izzy Daniels
The book "The Heat" by Mike Lupica is written in the third-person point of view. This means that the narrator is an outsider telling the story about the characters and events from an observational perspective.
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yes heat is made by the author mike lupica
Mike Lupica began writing books in the 1980s. He is known for his sports novels for young readers as well as his work in sports journalism.
A setting in the book heat is Yankee Stadium. Because that is where Michael is always looking at the stadium.
The Lexile for Mike Lupica's "Heat" is 940L. You can look up other books at Lexile.com.
The book "Heat" by Mike Lupica takes place in the city of New York.
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There Isn't a place that i have found do just buy it!
Mike Lupica wrote "Heat."