first off cal ripkin jr is a he not a her and he was bron on august 24 1960
Cal Eldred was born on November 24, 1967.
Cal Schenkel was born on January 27, 1947.
Cal Tjader was born on July 16, 1925.
Cal ripken
Cal Ripken Sr. was born on December 17, 1935.
Cal Ripken Jr. was born on August 24, 1960.
Cal Schenkel is 64 years old (birthdate: January 27, 1947).
Cal Eldred is 43 years old (birthdate: November 24, 1967).
Cal Ripken Jr was Born August 24, 1960 in Havre De Grace, MD Cal will be 48 yaers old
60 years old
Cal "Abie" Abrams was 72 years old when he died on February 25, 1997. (born March 2, 1924)