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It can mean one of two things: (a) that, to him, its a ridiculous question to ask because he's never given you a reason to doubt him or (b) that he's cheating and doesn't really know how to respond to that question. If you are seriously about to marry this guy, you and him need to sit down and have a very very serious talk. Both of you need to sit down and get things (doubts) out in the open. I, honestly, believe that if you are doubting him, then you're doubting the relationship, too. Honey, if you're unsure of the man that you are with and the things that he has done or is doing, then you need to confront him about it. Don't get deeper into something when there is doubt because someone is bound to get hurt in the end. Don't be afraid. Just be honest and confront what's bothering you now before its too late. Best of luck to you, sweetie. I really hope things work out for you and that in the end you find your happiness!b

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Q: What does it mean if you ask your fiance about him cheating and he denies it and laughs it off?
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The dream suggests that the dreamer has doubts about either the fiance or about one's self. The dreamer could lack confidence in his/her worthiness, and that lack of confidence could be transferred to the fiance in the dream. Alternatively, the dream might refer to the fiance's other time commitments, perhaps with family or a job. Any activity that takes the fiance's time or attention away from the dreamer could appear as "cheating" in a dream.

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It could mean they are trying not to sound mean or they think what they are commenting or asking is funny. They might just do it out of habit I wouldn't over think it.

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Break up with him/her and get another one there's plenty of fish in the world,and when I say fish I mean people. And I know it says boyfriend(BF) but I'm just saying you can be alone if you want but find another one.

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