They 'Take Guard' in that they ask the Umpire to line their bat with a stump or the space between stumps. 2 is the space between middle & leg stumps. The Umpire will also tell them how many balls are to come in the over.
in a crease marking what are the crease edges with all the crease?
Depending on the call all umpires can reverse a call but the crew chief supersedes all umpire ...Clarification:The chief umpire for the game, aka. plate umpire makes the final decision on a call when another umpire ask for help. If the umpire does not ask for help no other umpire should interfere with the call. The home plate umpire is the chief umpire, unless the league appoints an umpire as the chief umpire -- MLB appoints a crew chief for every umpire crew, all calls where umpires ask for help will come down to his final judgement. You can find all of this in 9.02 and 9.04 of the rules
He requested the umpire to cut his hair, which Bird did.
No it is up to the plate umpire if he wants assistance from the base umpire. Even if you request it he can deny that request and make the call himself.
I don't know. Go ask one.
A badminton umpire makes overall decisions, it depends which umpire you are referring to a chair umpire is in charge of the final decision if the final decision cant be made. The chair umpire we'll ask the refree to make the refree decide. The service judge is in the name they decide if there are any faults withtin the serve.
The home plate umpire is the one to make the call and is in the best position to make the call, he can ask for help if he fells necissary, however, this is his call to make
the catcher does that he apples to 3rd or 1st ...Answer to the question:First off, why would the offensive manager want to appeal a half swing on a ball? By doing this he is taking the risk that his batter will have a strike called on him!! However, you are looking for an answer to your question. YES, the manager can request the umpire to ask his partner or other umpire for help on an appeal if the original call was a ball (an appeal cannot be made on an original strike call). You were correct, this is all covered in Section 9.02(c) -- The rule is longer then what i have included but this it the part the relates to your question:9.02(c) "The manager or the catcher may request the plate umpire to ask his partner for help on a half swing when the plate umpire calls the pitch a ball, but not when the pitch is called a strike. The manager may not complain that the umpire made an improper call, but only that he did not ask his partner for help...."
The runner is out. If there is any question, the player should ask the umpire or his coach, not an opposing player.
In today's world of sport where technology is ever growing in its role as the official decision maker, the Third Umpire, of TV Umpire in cricket has become very important. Some of its applied uses in the game are:Run Out referral decisions (when the on field umpires feel it is too close to call without being correct, thus asking for justification).Disputed Boundaries (if an on field umpire feels a player may have touched the boundary while fielding the ball, they may call on the third umpire for a more accurate call).The UDRS (Umpire Decision Referral System, a recent addition to World Cricket), which involves either team wishing to make a referral if they feel the decision made by the on field umpire is wrong. This can be in the form of: LBW - Using tracking systems, the third umpire may be called upon to re adjudicate a decision.Caught Behind - 'Sniko' or 'Hot Sport' can be used to identify whether a noise or friction was made, thus signifying contact.Disputed Catches - when a fielder is unsure as to whether the ball carried, and asks the Third Umpire to view the catch from different angles to come to an accurate conclusion. This use of the Third Umpire has led many batsmen to ask for a referral themselves if they feel the catch did not carry, even if the fielder felt sure, which brings the topic of sportsmanship into question.Unique Run Out - Sometimes, when two batsmen are confused with their running between the wickets, they often end up at the same end, and both try to make their ground at the same end. If this is the case and it is a close decision, the TV Umpire is often asked to review the situation, and make a decision as to who to give out, based on who did not make their ground.Some of the Third Umpire Technologies currently in use are:Hot Spot: A heat camera that detects friction.Sniko: A sensitive microphone in the stumps that picks up small sounds.Hawk Eye: A camera that tracks the ball from the bowlers hands, then if the batsman is hit on the pad, will predict where the ball (if it would) would hit the stumps using the speed, pitch and movement of the ball.Different Camera angles, for no-balls and run out decisions.
There are eleven cricket players in a team which usually consists of 6 batsman, an all rounder and four bowlers.
The match referee is responsible for handling disciplinary matters. He has the power to fine a player for arguing with the umpires or expressing dissent. His role is to offer a ball when the two umpires on the field ask for one. His responsibility is to make sure that the match toss is done in the correct way.