Here are some I hope they help :)
Dixie Dean
Kevin Keegan
Paul Parker
Steve Stone
Jermaine Jenas
Midfielder Phillipe Coutinho and defender Aly Cissoko.
Uecker, Underhill, Underwood, Unites, Unseld, Unser, Upshaw, Upton and Urban are surnames. They begin with the letter U.
Adams, Arthur
Alfonso, Alvarez and Alberto are Cuban surnames. Additional Cuban surnames include Alfonso and Acosta.
George and Gregory are Lebanese surnames. Additional Lebanese surnames include Gallaty, Ghazi and Gilles.
Padilla, Palomo, Pastrana and Penagos are Spanish surnames. Additional Spanish surnames include Peralta, Perea and Perez.
Quinn is the most common surname in the U.S. that starts with Q. Other surnames include Qualls, Quarles, Queen, Quezada, Quick and Quigley.
No, there are surnames that don't start with every letter of the alphabet. For example, surnames starting with the letter "Q" are less common than those starting with other letters.
Barea, Becerril, Bello, Bettencourt and Bielsa are Spanish surnames. Additional Spanish surnames include Bilbao, Blanco, Borges, Bracho and Bueno.
English introduced cricket game. it was started in England. there are great English players in England team.