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It could possibly end the friendship, or make your friendship even better because sometimes people are happier with a little more space.

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Q: How does it feel to play a sport and just go away from your friend would it end the friendship?
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if he/she is your best friend no one can separate you, that is the power or friendship.

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Do you really want to do that to your friend? Would you want him asking your girlfriend out? Unless that's just the kind of friendship you have, I would back off and let your friend enjoy his girlfriend without worry that you're going to try and step in and steal her away.

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You should cool off before you make the decision to walk away from your friend. Like any other relationship in your life friendships will have their ups and down too, but good friends forgive most of the time and are mature enough to communicate. A person just doesn't walk away from a friend because of a difference of opinion and they should never let a young man come between their friendship. If you cool off and still want to walk away from the friendship then tell your friend you want to meet them somewhere and be calm; communicate why you want to terminate the friendship and walk away.

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...That's quite the dilemma. I would try talking with your friend about it and trying to add a spark back in the friendship. If that doesn't work, listen to "Fade to Black" by Metallica and hope for the best.

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Just be fair about it and tell it straight away. In the end, it will be better for you and for him/her.

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tell them iam sorry but i cant handle this friendship if she well beg you then you well have to make her jealous that someone else is my best friend and then she well walk away

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No one can take your friend or friends away unless they want to be taken away. If you are talking about one friend in particular you may not like the changes this other friend is causing and you may even be a little jealous. Individuals are allowed to have more than one friend so it would be wise of you to get along with your best friend and accept whom they like and your friendship will last longer. You can also make new friends.

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Both of you should walk away from the boy. It will save your friendship and another boy will come along soon.

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If you both like her then the both of you should stay away from her. If either one of you got with her you would end up losing your friendship because of her; friendship is more important than girls. Talk this out with your friend and both of you agree that she is a no go area. Always remember this advice... Bros before Hoes :) There is a female one but its a bit more crude

What to do if you and your friend like the same guy but she doesn't know you like him?

that depends. if you really like this person you should tell your friend. you can make a desicion from there. I recommend telling your friend and try to stay away from that crush it may ruin your friendship.

Why would a girl stay friends with a guy after she moves away?

Sometimes friends come into your life for a short time because you need them in your life, but sometimes you meet a special friend that you want to keep in touch with and distance knows no boundaries when it comes to friendship or love. This girl can text or phone her friend. You don't give up on friends simply because you move away.