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There are a number of things that football (soccer) does to physically help a child. First, it is wonderful exercise! There is all kinds of running, from a jog or trot to a run to a sprint. It could be in a straight line, or with turns, both curved and sharp. We have to reposition our bodies to play a ball, and dramatically so when the ball isn't on the ground. We use our hands, arms and upper body to throw the ball in. Actually, there aren't a lot of our muscles we don't use on a throw in because of the form that must be followed to do it correctly (within the laws of the game) and to do it well enough for it to be effective. All that activity promotes greater strength, much greater endurance, and improvements in coordination and balance. The game improves our overall health by tugging on the metabolic profile and shifting it a bit to help burn off calories and give the cardiovascular system, as well as the other internal systems, a good fluffing out. When a child who is cleared to participate in football laces up his boots and hits the pitch at a venue and within a league where his age and preparation make for a good fit, the child will gain a ton of physical benefits that will generally improve health and increase both the quality and the quantity (length) of his life.

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