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A little, but not so that it matters. It'd depend on whether you'll want to ignore wind resistance or not. If they were jumping in a vacuum then weight wouldn't matter at all, but if you'd have one thin guy in fluffy clothes and a heavy guy in a skin tight slick suit, then the heavy guy would fall faster. For any combination of reasonable circumstances the difference would be too small to matter. and blah blah blah

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12y ago

Depends on the clearance below.

But yes, if there's a natural limit to how far the drop can safely be, then the length of the bungee has to adjusted according to jumper's weight - as the bungee will stretch more for a heavier person.

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14y ago

because the hevier the person the faster they fall so the longer the bungee extends, ie if the person is really heavy then the person needs a shorter bungee.

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What energy is useful and what energy is wasted in a bungee jumper?

Useful energy would be the potential energy stored in the bungee cord when it is stretched out at the top of the jump, which is converted to kinetic energy as the jumper falls. Energy that is wasted would include any sound, heat, and other forms of energy dissipated as the bungee cord stretches and returns to its original length.

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Given that this is 1,000 meters, you may be able to make a jumper, depending on its length, the length of the sleeves and the size of the jumper that you want to knit.

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If the calculated length of the displacement vector matches the measured length, it means the calculations were accurate. If they differ, there may have been errors in calculations or measurements. It is important to ensure consistency between calculated and measured values to validate the accuracy of the displacement vector.

When a bungee cord gets longer will the bounce height vary?

Yes, the bounce height will vary based on the length of the bungee cord. A longer bungee cord will result in a higher bounce height because it allows for more stretch and potential energy to be stored before the rebound. Conversely, a shorter bungee cord will have less stretch and thus a lower bounce height.

Identify the type of energy stored in a streched bungee cord?

The type of energy stored in a stretched bungee cord is elastic potential energy. This energy is stored in the cord when it is stretched and can be released when the cord is allowed to contract back to its original length, such as when a person jumps off a platform attached to the bungee cord.

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Why did it get the name bungee jumping?

Because the first bungee jumps were done on giant versions of the common bungee cords that people use for everything from keeping an overstuffed trunk lid down, to attaching luggage to a luggage rack. They are called Bungee cords. The first jumps were done on large versions of those cords... 5/8" to-3/4" to- 1" inch diameter. Made primarily for the military for heavy duty applications such as attaching heavy equipment such as tanks to parachutes for equipment drops. So since the cords they did these first jumps from were called "bungee cords" they named the new activity "bungee jumping" Then about 8 yrs later after "bungee jumping" had caught on and had spread to the U.S. where the first commercial bungee jumping business had already taken off. Down under a New Zealander had decided to get in on the new craze and began trying to figure out a new system of cords to perform the same jumps. He found that you could buy the same latex rubber in bulk, that was the same as the rubber inside the "bungee" cords. It came in long continuous length ribbons. He found a way to wrap it around a spool on each end, round and round and then finally tying it off. The cord was then stretched out and bound with the same rubber in a dual helical binding to keep it from flying apart and the jumper getting caught up in the rubber during the rebound. These cords have different characteristics during the jump than the machine made "bungee" cords. Bungee cords are made with a machine called a braider. The rubber is stretched tight before going through the braider where the machine weaves a braided sheath around the stretched rubber.After the cord is finished the rubber inside stays stretched out tight so the jumps done on these can be made using a longer cord, resulting in a longer freefall. The cords designed in New Zealand are spongier and stretch longer, so a shorter cord has to be used. Since these cords are different from the usual bungee cords that had already existed he felt they should have a different spelling...hence the name and spelling...Bungy

How do you do the tail for a horse show?

Depends on how you ride. Dressage: a medium length with a clean cut. Hunter or jumper: Long tail, if mane is plaited braided.

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Longest jumper in animal is probably a cat. Not the one that looks like lion, tiger but a normal cat. which actually is very big in length wise and has long legs. i say type this in youtube and you might find your answer. i hope i have helped you. Thank you