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Q: Why don't strong women beat their?
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What will a women do to deserve to get beat?

they dont its just that men like to beat women

Why dont beat strong women their men enough?

I don't know but most of their men afraid of their women alot and don't argue with them and obey every things their women order and try hard to satisfy them

Can the average woman beat a man in arm wrestling?

Yes, but he'd have to be a man with below average strength. Women can beat men, but the women have to be strong to do so. If a woman can bench 200 pounds then she could beat most men at armwrestling.

Are black women strong?

you my friend are very racist and i dont know what kind of question that is to ask.

What is it called when you dont like men or women?

Asexual, meaning not having a strong attraction to either gender.

Is the beat on a flute strong?

I would have to say that it doesn't have a strong beat but, it has more of a strong sound.

How can you tell him you love him?

Just flat out say it. Men hate it when women beat around the bush and dont make things clear.

What does Kayla Kennedy mean?

Kayla Kennedy means a strong independent women. She is very beautiful and strong headed. Dont give up on her she will be a googd friend one day.

Why are men more likely to abuse than women?

Because they are weak and know the man could better defend themselves and/or beat them up instead! So they choose to beat on a woman who is not as strong in defending herself.

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you dont

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you dont beat it

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strong enough to beat cell