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There are 2 types of parachute - the round parachute and the more modern wing parachute. The round parachute is a decelerator and works on drag only through the atmosphere. However, with the wing shaped 'square' parachute, they act with an additional force of lift. Another name for this type of parachute is the Ram Air Parachute.

Whilst few of them ever generate enough lift to gain altitude, they do create masses of forward motion which gives them better range to land back on the dropzone. You also get better, safer landings which are easier on the knees! Most dropzones these days only use squares.

I would recommend a tandem jump for your first one which uses this more modern type of parachute.

A parachute is deployed using a smaller drogue pilot chute which drags the main parachute off the container. The container is a combined harness which holds the packed parachute on your back. As the parachute inflates, it will slow you down from 120mph to around 10mph average. The final stage is landing, where the skydiver pulls down on both steering toggles to further slow down the decent rate for a tip-toe soft landing.

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12y ago

The parachute creates a drag that slows down someone or something from falling down. Drag is the push on something from the air or water. As air is much thinner than water it doesn't have as much drag. The larger is the surface area, the more is the drag.

The parachute is very light in weight and has a very big surface area. It catches lots of air in it as it falls down thereby creating so much of drag.

It works on the concept of 'Whatever is thrown up, always falls down'. Law of gravity states the force that comes from the center of the earth attracts everything to the earth. In fact, this is the very reason why we are able to walk on the earth. Parachute is one of those objects that follow this law of gravity. These were initially designed with an intention to save people in emergency situations when they needed to exit off a plane that is not functioning properly.

Parachutes have the air resistance, which prevents people from falling down. The fall of an object depends upon the weight it bears. The lighter it is, the quicker it reaches the ground. The air carries the atoms and molecules that these objects push their way through in order to get to their destination. The rocks, being relatively heavier than the other objects, can push the air molecules out of their way. But objects as light as feathers find it difficult to pass their way through these air molecules.

Since in case of humans, the parachute gathers in a lot of air molecules as it carries the person along, it manages to hold the person for longer time.

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Because of gravity. If there were no gravity you would actually be able to walk on water for real life

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Air resistance

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