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Generally speaking, BASE (Building, Antenna, Span, Earth) jumpers do it for the adrenaline rush. BASE jumpers are experienced skydivers and, as such, one should never attempt a BASE jump unless adequately qualified.

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14y ago
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14y ago

There are many reasons:

  1. Some jumpers have a pioneering spirit, a desire to do something few others do.
  2. BASE jumping takes you to some beautiful places such as large mountains or the roof tops of large skyscrapers during the night.
  3. Its simply a very exhilarating, fun sport to partake in.
  4. Its a great way to get fit.
  5. The opportunities for travelling around the world and meet like minded people.
  6. To reach places very few reach. For example, a small ledge on a cliff or the top of a bridge.
  7. Lastly, to earn an income. Occasionally, a few jumpers are able to make a living from this sport, either through instructing or film work.
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13y ago

Maybe theyre just people who jump off a bridge and forget they tied a rope to the bridge..?

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12y ago

Your nan

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