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Q: Why did the surfer boy hurry across the busy street?
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Who helps people across a busy street?

i think a crossing guard helps people across the street

What is a description of a busy street?

industrious street

How do you get to the other side of the street with out being hit by a car on a busy street?

Look both ways, look for a gap in which there are no cars coming soon, and jog across the street.

Is busy a noun?

Busy can't be a noun, which is a thing. Busy is an adjective, which describes things. "A busy street".

How busy is Oxford Street?


What is the synonym of busy?

industrious street

Is Hawaii busy?

It is very busy and very difficult street names to memorize

What is the preposition - I walked out of the restaurant and found myself in a busy street.?

The preposition in the sentence is "out." It shows the movement from inside the restaurant to the busy street.

When a bus gets stuck in the middle of a busy street?

When a bus gets stuck in the middle of a busy street, traffic can be tied up and drivers can get agitated.

What is word for not take your time?

rush hurry make haste move get busy don't delay without delay

What is J walking in US?

J Walking; is considered to be walking in an absurd manner across a busy or heavily packed traffic wise intersection OUTSIDE of the cross walk, when traffic is moving or when you will otherwise ENDANGER someone by walking across the street.

What is a high street like?

? well it is busy and Its a high street! haha! it has loads of shops!