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Q: Why did the robber run hop and jump in the shower?
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Why did the bank robber run hom and jump in the shower?

thats here he had his hide out

Why did the bank robber run home and jump in the shower?

If it's for a math worksheet thing, the answer is "That's where he had his hide out"

Why did the bank robber run home and jump into the shower?

The bank robber ran home and jumped into the shower to try and wash off any dye pack or other identifying markers that may have been placed on the stolen money during the robbery. By getting rid of these markers, the robber hoped to avoid detection by authorities.

Different locomotor movements 9?

walk jump hop and run

What 3 movements must an athlete perform to successfully complete a triple jump?

Hop, step then jump. The hop involves landing on the same foot that was used for take-off, the step lands on the opposite foot and the jump finishes in the sandpit (normally a two-footed landing).

What words are similar in meaninig run?

Sprint, zoom, hop, skip, jump, walk quickly.

What action words might be used as verbs?


How should a 17 year old lose whight?

Run...... Jump........Skip.........Hop......go to a gym maybe !! Swim

Is great an action verb?

No, because an action verb is something showing "action" like run, jump, hop or any of those but great is a adverb.

What are the verb?

A verb is a doing word such as: swim, run, jump, yell, sleep, hop, paddle etc. Verbs are also known as doing words:)

Frogs are different from toads because frogs?

Frogs have smooth, moist skin and are typically found in or near water, while toads have dry, bumpy skin and are more adapted to living on land. Additionally, frogs have longer hind legs for jumping, while toads have shorter hind legs for walking.

How is a rabbit adapted to survive?

It's large feet help it to jump or hop further. They are very flexible, which helps them in many ways to run from enemies or predators.