As of June 2012, that record goes to Christian Labhartwho did an average of 327 Mph over a vertical measured kilomter. Christian takes part in the discipline of Speed Skydiving and to go fast, one must adopt a head down slick aerodynamic body position. It takes great skill to hold a still position like this, so that the speed can be built up.
To put things in perspective, the normal terminal velocity freefall in a belly to earth body position is around 120mph.
a popstar is someone whos is famous
knoc knoch whos there me
whos famous and ha usher syndrome
kamal muhammed
Apple Shintle
jolly rogers flag
Einstein , yes definitely Einstien he is the most famous he created the atom bomb.
The famous person is Ekaterina 2 (great)
If first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Quincy Jones is a famous musician. Queen Latifah is a famous singer.