is a good paintball but for information is
You would have to find some land, and get the owners permission. It is a good idea to ask your friends, or ask players at fields.
Good at what? You cant tell how good at paintball you are if you've never played.
Good Samaritan Hospital - Dayton - was created in 1932.
Action village, and Ultimate Paintball.
typically yes, but its a good idea to call the police jurisdiction in the area as ask them first, and make sure that at any point on your field a paintball can not be fired and reach a public area where anyone outside your game could be hit or their property. if near houses the police like you to go to the closest houses and ask the neighbors, this is also a nice to do so they know what all the noise is
New teams are formed every day, and especially in California. One of the biggest paintball areas in the nation. To find a good team to start, check with your local field to find oppenings and tryouts.
mayby you could try blackswan paintball pireates
I would post a message on the website for your area and there you would be able to connect and correspond with other players in your area. Also, you can get details on sponsorship. Good Luck.
There is no such thing as high voltage paintball guns.
So basically you would buy and sell paintball guns? there are alot of sites that do that already. Unless you can manufacture unique parts, or get hold of a large stock of guns, this is probably a hard thing to get into.
They are from Dayton, Ohio area. Their music is pretty hardcore. Very deep, with intense breakdowns and good songs.