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There is a $280 M82A1 by JG. You can find it on and It's $280 on airsplat and its $420 i think on crw-airsoft BUT the one on crw-airsoft comes with a scope but since it's Hong Kong based shipping is alot. If you don't want to buy that then you can always buy the JG Snow Wolf M99 which is about $200 and cheaper Barrett model. Hope this helped!

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13y ago sells both the EBR conversion kit for the standard WE M14 and the WE M14 EBR. Also sells a custom M14 EBR, but it is not from WE and much more expensive

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12y ago

Pricier sellers might be a good idea.

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Q: Where can you get a WE M14 EBR airsoft sniper?
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Is an M14 Airsoft sniper good?

Yes, an M14 Airsoft Sniper is good. My cousin has almost all of the airsoft guns their are and he loves the M14. I would recommend it.

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Is it m14 ebr or m21 ebr?

M21 ebr.

Is the M14 EBR used as a sniper or machine gun more?

It's used solely as a sniping/sharpshooting weapon. If I remember correctly, the full auto feature was removed from the original M14 rifles which were converted to EBR configuration.

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How heavy is an m14 airsoft gun?

The typical airsoft m14 weighs around 5lbs but the socom m14's are slightly lighter and the m14 ebr's weigh in at close to 15 lbs.

Is it m14 ebr or a m21 ebr you are confused?

It is actually the Mk 14 EBR (Enhanced Battle Rifle). It has a 'Mk' designation because it is in service with the United States Navy. The M21 is a sniper weapon system introduced during the Vietnam War based on the original M14 battle rifle.

Which airsoft gun should you get a spring ak47 fps-300 airsoft gun or a m14 spring sniper rifle fps 390 airsoft gun?

go for the m14, unless its cheap looking.

Where can you buy a mk 14 ebr a real one not an airsoft?

You can't. The Mk 14 EBR is based on the M14 rifle, which were never released to the general public. The closest you'll come is to take a Springfield M1A (which, while it resembles the M14, is a far cry from mil spec with its metal injection moulding parts), and dress it up as such.

Is the M14 EBR from BuyAirsoft Canada worth 1000 dollars?


Should I get a l96 or m14 ebr for airsoft?

Well the gbb EBR it $580-$700 but l96 on airsoft megastore for the spring (referring to the season) is 250 (G&G Gbb G96 mauser) compared to $580 is quite a bit. EBR feature many rails and also looks amazing. l96 has one rail. EBR has 400 fps, l96 has 500-570 fps. EBR has 25-30 rounds l96 has 10-15. I was suggest the EBR by WE Gbb because of its weight ( 10-12 lbs) and accuracy and ability to full auto or semi, also all the rails. l96 is bolt action gas 1 rail and you NEED a scope or its almost pointless. I would get EBR

What is the m14 airsoft fps?

Its depends on the brand. Many different companies make a M14.