If one desired to learn about horrific sport accidents the first place to look would be on the internet, specifically news websites and YouTube. There is a particularly good collection of videos of horrific accidents, but they are most certainly not for the weak stomached. Sports history books contain information about accidents that occurred during major sporting events.
Rugby and hockey
the most accidents happen in thekitchenbathroomstairs
Most accidents occur on take-off.
at an intersection
Most accidents happen on the highway or on the ghats on the hill.
the most cause of vehicle accidents is when you text while you drive
Most fatal car accidents happen on a Saturday.
Most accidents happen where there are the most people. HOWEVER, about 50% of fatal accidents happen on rural roads.
ask your parents if they will agree with you. just think that gender is not a hindrance on what you like to do but keep in mind that skateboarding is a dangerous sport. accidents happen most of the time.
Statistically, driver inattention is the most prevalent cause of most accidents.
The most fatal sport is fishing. This is due to the fact that people can drown, hit items in the water with their boats or if them or others have been drinking possible drunk driving accidents. I forgot what the exact number of deaths was per year in fishing compared to other sports but it has the highest death rate.