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Q: What size rims are on grizzly 350?
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Will tires from a 2006 Chevy Pickup fit a 2000 Ford F-350 pickup?

If the tires are the same size, they will but the rims won't.

What size rims for 1965 Plymouth Valiant?

14" rims.

How much horsepower does a 2007 Yamaha grizzly 350 4x4 have?


What size rims can a 1991 Toyota Corolla have?

13 or 14 inch rims. Check on the tire for size.

How much do female grizzly bears weigh?

between 350 and 400 pounds

Does the rotor for alloy rims and stock rims differ in size?

Generally no. Joe

What size rims do you need for a 1992 Chevy 1500?

what size rims are on a 1992 chevy 1500 w/t truck

What size tires came stock on your 1980 camaro 14 inch rims?

The 1980 Chevrolet Camaro can come with different size rims. For rims that are 14 inches, the original tire size would be 205/75-14.

Who would win a fight Grizzly Bear or a wolverine that is the same size?

a wolverine will beat a grizzly his own size, they are fearless and have sharp claws plus they are stronger in the same size!!

How will xd rims look on your 2009 Toyota Tundra?

yes depending on the size for rims

What size are the rims on a 2002 harley Davidson fatboy?

Stock rims were 16" by 3"

Size tires for a 94 Corsica?

SIZE TIRES, that You can fit on: 14" rims: 235/60/14 15" rims: 215/60/15 16" rims: 225/50/16 17" rims: 235/45/17