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All places give masks, and most rend out camouflage or chest protectors.

Id advise you to pad yourself up with jumpers, gloves, socks and anything else you can get to absorb the impact of the paintballs.

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Q: What protection do paintball facilities provide?
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Where do people play paintball?

At paintball facilities, or their own property.

What are the indoor paintball facilities in Rhode Island?

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Where can you buy a 'cup protection' for paintball?

Any sports cup will do.

Are paint ball guns allowed in schools?

No. You may not bring any paintball equipment to anywhere besides paintball facilities, and your own property, especially schools.

Is it legal to shoot a paintball gun in Los Angeles?

it depends whether under controlled conditions or not, and if you are caught :p

Where can friends go to have a paintball war?

There are a number of places where one can go with friends to have a paintball war. While one could use any large, open field, there are plenty of paintball facilities that one could go to.

Should you use a hard or soft cup for paintball?

In my personal opinon a hard cup is MUST the pants provide some protection but not enough if you want kids later if you know what i mean.soft if anything, most people dont use them at all, i am one, before i had paintball specific pants and slider pants with a pad just for this in them i hung a hand towel out of my belt, cheap and easy way to provide protection and it does not get in the way while running

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One of the largest and most well known paintball arenas would be the All American Paintball field. This Smart Parts built super plex boasts numerous fields and facilities. not to mention, it is also Smart Parts main office.

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they provide the best facilities like they provide best service and adventures

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Contact your local health protection office they will gladly tell you what the requirements are for body piercing in your area and they can provide you with names of inspected facilities in your area.

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Contact your local health protection office they will gladly tell you what the requirements are for body piercing in your area and they can provide you with names of inspected facilities in your area.

Why is paintball the safest game?

Paintball is safe IF you wear eye protection. Paintballs will not do any permanent harm unless you are hit in an unprotected eye, and there is no physical contact in the game itself.