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Q: What makes your body jerk uncontrolably?
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What makes you jerk awake?

ur senses

Why do dogs uncontrolably?

it might be sick or in pain

What is it called when you keep falling asleep uncontrolably?

It is called narcolepsy.

What force makes two plants jerk into new positions?


Do you have epilepsy if your left leg keeps shaking uncontrolably?

Not being able to control your body like that getting a "shake" could be an epileptic seizure indeed, but it could also be much more ;-)

What is the disease called when you swear uncontrolably?

I think its called Tourettes syndrome

Why do people jerk when they're sleeping?

This body movement during sleep, known as a hypnic jerk, is believed to be a natural occurrence when the body transitions from wakefulness to sleep. It is thought to be due to a sudden change in muscle activity as the body relaxes.

Which cromosome in your brothers body makes him such a jerk?

It is not accurate to attribute someone's behavior or personality traits to a specific chromosome. Human behavior is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors.

Why do we jerk a clinical thermometer?

We jerk a clinical thermometer to ensure that the mercury or alcohol inside is at the lowest point on the scale before use. This makes sure that we get an accurate measurement of body temperature when placed in the mouth, under the arm, or in the rectum. Jerking the thermometer helps to reset the mercury column to the starting position for a new reading.

What forces make two plates jerk into position new?

the earths gravitiy causes it to push down

What does it mean if a guy tells you he is the game and he makes the rules?

It means he's a jerk and should be avoided.

What makes a scooter backfire like it has bad gas in it?

it would go slower and it might jerk