The Tower of Hanoi (also called the Tower of Brahma or Lucas' Tower, and sometimes pluralized) is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod.
Tower of Hanoi puzzle game - mathematical problem
Tower of Hanoi
the perfect score in bowling is 300 which is all strikesThis guy named John Bates is 84 and got a perfect score on Wii bowling 2,850 times!what is I do to reach perfect score in bowling? If I practice practice practice very hard and carefully for my bowling game then I might reach perfect score in bowling game.
In bowling, when you score a turkey, you get 3 strikes in a row. If you get a game of complete strikes, it is a perfect score.
A perfect score of 57.
For what game??????...
"300: Perfect Score in a Bowling Game".
A perfect score is 3,333,360
Nitendo has confirmed the highest Recorded score in pacman is 3,212,000 was recorded on a almost perfect game.
It is called "Tower of Hanoi". See for more info.