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In Short? The manufacturer. Ok, longer answer: When you buy a name brand bike, you're getting not just the bike, but the pledge of quality and the warranty that stands behind it. When you buy a Harley or Honda, etc.... you have that name and that GIANT company to back up the claim of quality making the price worth it. When you buy off brand, it is just that. You don't know the quality of a bike. You don't know if that company will be there in 5 years or 5 days. The company may already have been shut down and you're stuck with a bike with a warranty but no one to fulfill it. It is more of a gamble, that's all. I've heard of some people buying off-brand bikes (normally from China) and finding lower quality welds and lower quality bolts/fluids/etc. Remember that manufacturing standards in the United States are often higher than that of many other countries. Especially with the Justice System here to back you up if you sue due to a crappy weld that broke and caused you to break a leg.

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Q: What is the difference between a name brand motorcycle and a off brand one?
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