Sectors are used to define the landing areas for the following events; javelin, shot, hammer and discus.
it is 0.2365 degrees
what is angle by sector
Multiply ( pi R2 ) by [ (angle included in the sector) / 360 ].
Area of sector/Area of circle = Angle of sector/360o Area of sector = (Area of circle*Angle of sector)/360o
Calculate the percentage of a sector relative to the budge total. The angle for that sector is 3.6 times the percentage.
a line that divides an angle into two equal angles
if given the central angle and the area of the circle, then by proportion: Given angle / sector area = 360 / Entire area, then solve for the sector area
The radius of the sector with an angle of 27 degrees and arc of 12cm is: 25.46 cm
To calculate the arc length of a sector: calculate the circumference length, using (pi * diameter), then multiply by (sector angle / 360 degrees) so : (pi * diameter) * (sector angle / 360) = arc length