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the angle for the discus landing sector is 0.4532

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Q: What is the angle of the discus landing sector?
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What is a sector in track and field?

Sectors are used to define the landing areas for the following events; javelin, shot, hammer and discus.

What is the Angle of the Javelin Landing Sector?

it is 0.2365 degrees

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How can you find the angle of a sector in a circle?

Multiply ( pi R2 ) by [ (angle included in the sector) / 360 ].

To find the area of a sector you multiply the area of the circle by the measure of the arc determined by the sector?

Area of sector/Area of circle = Angle of sector/360o Area of sector = (Area of circle*Angle of sector)/360o

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Calculate the percentage of a sector relative to the budge total. The angle for that sector is 3.6 times the percentage.

What is angle by sector?

a line that divides an angle into two equal angles

How do you work out the angle of a sector without knowing the area of the sector or length of arc?


How do you get area of sector without given radius?

if given the central angle and the area of the circle, then by proportion: Given angle / sector area = 360 / Entire area, then solve for the sector area

What is the radius of the sector with an angle of 27 degrees and arc of 12cm?

The radius of the sector with an angle of 27 degrees and arc of 12cm is: 25.46 cm

How do you calculate the the arc of a sector?

To calculate the arc length of a sector: calculate the circumference length, using (pi * diameter), then multiply by (sector angle / 360 degrees) so : (pi * diameter) * (sector angle / 360) = arc length