you have to be 12 years old get a plane parachute and land safely!!
The minimum legal age to skydive in the United States is 18 years old.
According to the United States Parachute Association, an individual may not skydive unless they are 18 years of age, or 17 years of age with parental consent. Individual drop zones, or skydiving centers, may put additional limitations on the age to skydive, limiting the age to 18 and older. There is no maximum age to skydive.
18 years old.
A person much be 18 years old to skydive in California.
No, penguins cannot skydive.
Currently, the age limit to skydive is 16 years old or 13 with parent consent in Mississippi
Skydive? What the hell are you talking about?
You can skydive anytime....(And that's a yes)
It is unlawful to skydive (in the United States) if you are younger than 18 years old.
You're aloud to do a back flip at any age, but if you're asking how old you have to be in order to execute it correctly, my answer would be that it varies(depending on how experienced you are).
Skydive - Transformers - was created in 1985.
The past tense of skydive is skydived.