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skydive, fly, get married, bungee jump, gamble

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Q: What is something risky that most people do at least once in their lifetimes?
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What does the word risky mean?

It describes a verb in which there is potential risk to something. For example, Drinking and driving is a risky move.

How risky is it to keep lizards in the home with infants due to salmonella?

Just wash your hands and keep your lizard's enclosure clean and it shouldn't be risky in the least.

What is the meaning of risky?

If something is described as 'risky' then it entails a moderate degree of danger. Risky is somewhere in between 'safe' and 'dangerous' on a scale of "cause for concern" regarding any activity.... be it anything from sport or investment.

How do some people go to a party?

Type your answer here... You may do something you may give in to peer pressure.You may put yourself in a risky situation.

What is the abbreviation meaning for YOLO?

Y.O.L.O means that you only live once. People usually this term when they want to do something crazy or risky

What tool do you use when ranking hazards from the most to the least risky?

Risk Priority List

How do you find The risks and hazards in the school?

Do something bad and risky, and then you know that its risky so you can say its a risk. and hazards, easy school... = teachers. theres your hazard

How the risky of sexuall behavior affect other peaple?

Risky sexual behavior creates unrest an insecurity to people around you and yourself.

Can adopted people get Aids?

Anyone can that engages in risky behavior

How can you make people give you piggybacks i'm a random teen who wants to have fun and get offered piggybacks from anyone loads of people just jump on people back but that may be too risky so how?

Where a sign saying whoever gives me a piggyback will __________ <something