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Hockey, football, Wrestling, and boxing.

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Q: What is a sport that has been criticized for being too violent?
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What has guns been used for over the years?

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Why has Freud been criticized?

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It has been an Olympic sport since 1763 and is still being played today.

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Which theories of human development have been criticized for being too subjective?

Psychoanalytic theory, which was developed by Sigmund Freud, has been criticized for being too subjective due to its reliance on interpretations of individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The humanistic theories proposed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow have also faced criticism for being subjective, as they focus on individual experiences and subjective perceptions of personal growth.

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Which theories of human development have been criticized for being too deterministic?

Freud's psychosexual theory, behaviorism, and Watson's tabula rasa theory have been criticized for being too deterministic in their approach to human development. These theories suggest that human development is heavily controlled by internal drives, conditioning, or external environmental factors, leaving little room for individual agency or free will.

What are Humanistic theorists have been criticized for?

Humanistic theorists have been criticized for lacking empirical evidence to support their theories, focusing too much on individual experiences at the expense of broader social factors, and being overly optimistic about human potential without addressing issues like mental illness or societal inequalities.