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Q: What happens when you put an eggshell in a sports drink?
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What happens when you put an eggshell in lemonade?

The tea would be less acidic.

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Yes, you can put polyurethane paint over eggshell in latex or eggshell in oil.

What happens to an eggshell when you put it in bleach?

the strong liquids makes the egg start to crack and start to turn brown.

What makes a sports drink an energy drink?

They've put in more caffeine.

Why put food drink and sports into your body?

cuz we want to

What happens when you put tear drops in someones drink?

nothing. but if you put EYE drops in someones drink they will have an intestinal situation.

What will happen if you put an eggshell in lemon juice?

it will crack

What happens to the temperature of the drink when you put ice cubes in it?

the temperature decreases

What happens when you put a egg in soda?

When you put an egg in soda, the acid in the soda breaks down the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, causing the shell to dissolve. This leaves the egg yolk and white intact but without the protective shell.

What happens to an eggshell when you put it in soda vinegar and food coloring?

i think that when you put an egg shell in soda vinegar and food coloring it turns see through i think that when you put an egg shell in soda vinegar and food coloring it turns see through

What happens when we put egg in fizzy drink?

In Coca-Cola, for ex., eggshells are disolved.

What happens when you put a fish in lemonade?

A fish that can't swim in a drink you can't consume.