Sky Diver was created in 1978.
Terminal velocity. I'm pretty sure that's what your asking.
A professional sky-diver.
the diver
none you fall
Ripcord - 1961 The Sky Diver 1-0 was released on: USA: 28 September 1961
buy a wing suit
sky diver
Terminal velocity is when air drag stops you from going any faster when falling. A heavier person will fall with greater force than the light sky diver falls at. So the heavier skydiver will require more force from air in order to keep him/her at terminal velocity
The reaction force to Earth's gravity pulling the diver down is the diver pushing back up against the gravitational force, which allows them to jump off the diving board and move upwards momentarily before gravity pulls them back down towards the water.
A sky diver in free fall
Terminal Velocity.