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Q: What event can you throw the furthest from?
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What is the event shot put?

it is a event were a person would throw a heavy ball from a certain spot. once thrown they would measure how far it went. who ever throw it the furthest would win

Furthest thrown with a javelin?

Uwe Hohe throw 104.80 metres

What is an event where throw a spear?

its javelin

Does a javelin thrower have to throw the javelin over a pole to win?

No - the thrower must simply throw the javelin the furthest distance with both a legal delivery and landing of the implement.

What is the furthest throw for shot put under 12?

Usually kids under 12 do not compete since the weight of the shot put varies, but in middle school with a 8 pound shot put, a great throw would be 60 feet, so 55 feet would be a decent estimate for the furthest throw by someone younger than 12 years old.

What is the furthest javelin throw for a junior?

Mens World U20 (800g) record is 84.47m by Zigismunds Sirmais from Latvia

Is discus a field event?

Yes, Discus Throw is part of field event.

Is it that track events involve timing and not field events?

That is correct. Track events are won by who can run the fastest (timing) and field events are won by who can throw the furthest or jump the furthest/highest (distance/height).

What is hammer throwing?

The hammer throw is a competitive sport in which a metal ball, attached to a cable, is whirled round several times, then let go. The object is to see who can throw the hammer the furthest.

What is Gabriele Reinsch's furthest discus throw?

76.80 meters (251 feet, 11 5/8 inches) in July, 1988. The throw was a world record and is still the world record.

What is it that an event were athletes try to leap the furthest?

the long jump, other none as the bob sagit race

Where is javelin throw event most popular?

new york