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Q: What does hard sport mean sexually?
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What if your hard?

Do you mean if you're (you are) hard? Usually it mean you're sexually aroused and have an erection, although you can get erections for other reasons.

What does it mean when your breast are hard?

Increased of blood flow so when you are cold or excited

Who is the best archerer?

i dont know its hard they are so mean they hardly show the sport on olympics!!!

What does the phrase hard on mean?

"Hard on" means right on top of -- as in "hard on the heels" means right on top on one's heels, or behind one. The phrase "hard on" is also a slang term meaning that a man is sexually aroused.

How can you tell if your hard Sexually?

Because u will feel it

What is't mean by sport funded?

sport funded mean that you are funded for a sport

What does it mean when a guy pulls you really hard towards his body when you are making out?

it means he's really into you, and i mean sexually. he most likely wants something besides just a mo session

What does PS3 mean sexually?

nothing, its a gaming system, nothing sexually involved

What does ac dc mean sexually?

Both straight and gay sexually. Bisexual.

What does sports fitness mean?

Sport fitness means working out. For example, running, going to the gym, practicing ect. Also, working very hard at the sport and trying the best u can possibly do.

Why Do Russia like their sport?

Russians are born winners and they will train so hard to be the best. If they are good at a sport they will train very hard in it.

How do you confirm that girl is excited?

if you mean sexually excited: her nipples get hard & pointy, she gets "wet" if you mean excited not in a sexual way: she smiles and laughs a lot, lots of hand gestures and body language