Facility as a noun means a building where an event can take place or an activity can be performed, such as a sports facility or a meeting facility. As a verb, it means the ability to adapt and learn quickly.
A 'primitive' facility might be considered the opposite of a 'state of the art' facility. A facility which has few tools to work with.
of Facility
pedofile educational facility center
No facility is a place and equipment is anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose.
-Skilled Nursing Facility.
This means they shipped it, or are currently shipping it to another facility to either sort it, or put it on the truck.
Australia Post's Sydney West Letter Facility (SWLF). This facility, located in Strathfield, sorts letters.
Break up of facility may mean a number of things. However, the most common meaning would be the disintegration or disassembly of a facility which makes it to stop functioning as required.
it means nothing.
If you mean the 'EPF Test' then you do it at the 'Everyday Phoning Facility'
Alien Life Form it could also mean Adult Living Facility as in a nursing home.
there is no facility ruins in the calm lands. maybe you mean: 1. monster arena 2. yojimbo's cave