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Q: What do you call someone who can stand on his head?
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What is head shots in call of duty finest hour?

When you shoot someone in the head. :s

How do you respond to someone if they call you gay and you know your not?

Kick them in the head.

What do you call someone who likes metal music?

You call that person a Metal Head. \M/(>.<)\M/

What to do if cat has a serious blow to the head?

Call a vet or someone who can help.

What makes someone call you a pacifist?

If you don't like to fight or stand up for yourself.

What do you call someone who is hired by a company to fire a bunch of employees?

Head hunter

What do you say back to someone if they call you a sook?

smack em in that back of there head >.<

How soon after coming in contact with someone with lice does your head start itching?

This is what I can tell you from my expert experience. Your head may itch only after you have had head to head contact,or shared brushes, hats or combs with someone with head lice. This is how head lice is passed. They don't fly or jump but they do crawl Fast!! If your head itches and you have been in close contact with someone with lice you may need to call an expert. My Hair Helpers is trained to help detect head lice. Don't wait until you have a full infestation to call an expert!

How do you bang a guy?

call him fat then hit a coconut on his head and shoot him!!!(do it to someone you dont like)

How much to repair head gasket on 1997 ford escort?

if your looking for someone to do it call a shop if your gonna do it call a parts store or get on their website

What do you say when you call for someone who isn't the head of the house?

Say "Can I please speak with [insert name here]?"