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Air sports :-)

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Q: What are all the sports that involve air?
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What sports involve science?

All of them. Anything that you can perceive with any of your senses involve science.

What aquatic sports involve aerobics in a swimming pool?

All of them !

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5 sports in which friction is used?

Pretty much all that don't involve sliding/gliding, such as skating and skiing. Start with the running sports.

Do sports involve science?

Yes, sports involve a lot of science. Different sciences are significant for different sport. Physics plays an important role. Some factors considered by the sicences include air resistance, speed, angles, and weather.

What are senior projects that involve sports?

There are an unlimited number of projects that could involve sports. One might do a project on the effects of sports in a person's life for example.

What is the scuba diving sports?

There are currently no professional sports that involve scuba diving.

What is aqua sports?

water sports. sports that involve water Sports in water like swimming,water volley ball.

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Does air bud play sports in real life?

Yes! Air bud plays basketball in real life. Not all those other sports. Air bid is AWSOME!!

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Should sports involve body contact and inflicting force be encouraged?

Many sports by their nature are a demonstration of strength and involve physical contact. As long as that is controlled well with rules, there is nothing wrong with physical sports. If people are happy to play them, then they should be allowed to. If we had no physical sports, sports would not be so interesting. There is also a need for people to have some outlet for expressing their physical strength. If they are not allowed to do it in sport, they may do it in far less controlled ways, such as violence. We need all kinds of sports, for all kinds of people. So yes, physical sports should be encouraged.