Be more specific, if you mean pro paintball, I think that you can be at least 15, but the youngest pro is 17, good luck on that! If you mean just for recreation, there is no actual age limit put into laws or paintball regulations, but some courses do enforce an age limit.
In Canada you can play paint ball,even if you are only ten.But i don't know what age you have to be in a different country.
The requirements to join the team Arcor is that you have to be age 27-32 and be a graduate in engineering and business. To apply you have to go to the website.
You need to be 18 to purchase one In the US.
Must be 18 to PURCHASE you can own one at any age only shoot them at paint ball fields not at private property
The minimum insurance age is 10.
You should not join a professional gymnastics team after puberty because the height and weight contributions.
Yes, if you want. You can chose the team you want to be by chosing a team number. Then if you want others can join your team.
18 is the minimum age for purchasing paintball markers, paintballs, or tanks.
there is no age limit on owning a marker BUT you must be 18 to purchase them
Well every where you have to be at least 18 or older but I'm 13 and i have 9 paintball guns
One must be a minimum of 18 years to join orkut.
u can join utube at any age if u fake your age