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Q: What Type Of Sports Can Cause A Broken Jaw?
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Related questions

When was The Broken Jaw created?

The Broken Jaw was created in 1997.

Swelling of the jaw?

There are 52 different conditions or injuries that can cause the jaw to swell. Some of these things include a jaw injury, broken jaw, a jaw disorder, dental surgery, a bacterial infection, and erupted wisdom teeth.

My jaw is broken?

If a jaw is broken, the best thing is to see a doctor and fix it.

Can you talk if your jaw is broke?

If your jaw is broken, it can affect your ability to speak. The severity of the break, along with any associated pain and swelling, can impact your speech. It is best to seek medical attention to properly address a broken jaw.

Can chiari malformation type 1 cause jaw pain?


Is a fracter jaw a broken jaw?

No, a fracter jaw is not the same as a broken jaw. A fracter jaw is a condition in which the jaw joint becomes permanently dislocated, while a broken jaw refers to a fracture or break in the jaw bone. Both conditions require medical attention.

Can you die from a broken jaw?


Does cracked tooth cause swelling on jaw?

tender tooth with swelling jaw means infection?

Can you open your mouth with minimal pain if your jaw is broke?

no because your jaw is broken.

What is the medical term meaning broken jaw?

The medical term for a broken jaw is "mandibular fracture." It refers to a break in the bone that makes up the lower jaw. Treatment usually involves stabilizing the jaw, and in severe cases, surgery may be required.

How can you fix a broken jaw on a horse?

Plaster it

Why won't my jaw open?

It's broken