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Air will pull you down

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Zaria Huggins

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Q: Skydiving might feel like flying, but pretty soon ___ will pull you down to the ground?
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Skydiving might feel like flying, but pretty soon ___ will pull you down to the ground.

Is indoor skydiving easy?

It depends on how fast of a learner you are. You might get it right away, or it might take you a while.

Who is the best partner for Cubone in rescue team?

Pikachu is because he can defeat most of the legandaries eg. zapdos-electric/flying, moltres-fire/flying, articuno-ice/flying, not groudon-ground might be difficult and rayquazza-dragon/flying

What is faster than a flying donkey?

house fly An Elephant with Ramjets and a JATO. A flying sloth. Duh they beat every flying thing incuding flying cheetah. Acutally flying cheetahs are the slowest. Flying sloths are the fastest followed by flying snails and then flying donkeys. Flying worms are the biggest and flying elephants are tiny and the smallest. Flying animals are only found on clouds and like to play four square. It is rare to find a flying animal on ground but if you are good one might come to you and grant you three wishes.

How do you capture Charizard in ranger?

before it starts to walk on the ground and summon fire on the ground when it is flying and spitting fire capture it in a bubble and then circle like your life depends onit this might take a few tries

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How do you get rid of the fear heights and flight?

Face your fear by taking a ride on a plane or going para sailing or skydiving might work...

Can you fly without a flying machine?

well if you considre jumping flying then yes, but if not then you might need a flying machine

When are the first flying cars coming to the market?

they might be selling flying cars in 2010

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They can move pretty fast when they are flying.

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What is the Scientific name of Flying?

The scientific name for flying is "volitation," it's a very common phenomenon among birds, insects, and some mammals. Flying allows animals to move through the air efficiently and access resources that aren't available on the ground.