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Disagree, all the way. Football, Hockey, Lax & Wrestling are dangerous & they are some of the most popular sports. I COMPLETELY disagree ( this MY opinion, anyways )

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Q: Most of the people think that dangerous sports should be banned do you agree or disagree?
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Why should The Merchant of Venice not be banned in schools?

Book and play banning is very undesirable and even dangerous, If a work should be banned the burden of proof must be on the who person who issues the ban. Highly controversial works that many people find offensive should probably not be required reading in public schools, but they should not be banned. Works by critically acclaimed writers always have some value even if they are not politically correct at the moment.

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No, School is very importain! Matter of opinion. Some would say yes. But in my opinion, they are the people who have no life and dont want anything for themselves in life. Now the smarter people would disagree. We want an education do make something with our lives.