Well it depends on how big your backyard is and where you live. If you live in a neighborhood chances are your backyard is wayyyyyy to small, but as long as the paintballs remain in your yard and no property is damaged than it is technically legal. Now if you have a lot of property than have fun. Note if you live in a rich neighborhood like a country club or any gated community, old people will probably poop on the party and call the cops, but the cops cant do anything except tell you, you cant shoot anymore.
Yes. Paint balls are fired by compressed air, firearms are fired by means of an explosion, which is defined by Florida Statue as any chemical compound or mixture that has the property of yielding readily to combustion or oxidation upon application of heat, flame, or shock, including but not limited to dynamite, nitroglycerin, trinitrotoluene, or ammonium nitrate when combined with other ingredients to form an explosive mixture, blasting caps, and detonators.
i live in Canada so I'm not exactly sure but its pretty much illegal in every city, province/state and country.... they charge you the same as if you used a regular gun (like the ones that kill so u can be charged, only way to find out for sure is to talk to a cop
No paintball markers are not firearms.
No, as long as you only shoot at your property on your property.
No. Because, in order for you to shoot them you would have to get their permission to shoot them. If you accidentally shoot somebody inside your backyard without their permission, it is their fault for being in the yard with someone that has a paintball gun and is shooting it in the first place.
Yes, any injury sustained on your property are your legal responsibility.
If the children are not old enough to play at a certified field, then it is more than likely illegal. The average age for a field is around 10 to 13 years of age, depending on state or local laws. The legal age to purchase a paintball marker is 18, but can be used by a minor with consent.
Yes you can but you will have to take it to a Paintball veils or wholesaler to make sure it is safe and legal to use while playing
It more so depends on your area. Obviously, an urban city like area would cause many problems. Though if you live in a wooded area, most counties do not care as long as you do not vandalize.
Yes its legal. You cannot however take it on certain highways.
It is illegal in many places to bury your pet in your own backyard. To find out if it is legal in Florida, contact your local health department.
This all truly depends on the area you are in. New Jersey has mostly urban cities, therefore it would be difficult to shoot it in your backyard without being unsafe. To make life easier, go to a paintball field.
It depends on your area. If you are located in a busy city or town, then it is not. However there is no problem with shooting your paintball gun in a wooded area.