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Yes, it is a fragment.

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Q: Is just when you were least expecting it a fragment?
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What type of sentence is just when you were least expecting it?

fragment sentence

Choose the term that best fits this group of words. just when we were least expecting it?

Choose the term that best fits this group of words. just when we were least expecting it

Just when we were least expecting it?

This is not a question. It needs a noun to know what "it" is.

What are the characteristics of a sentence fragment?

A sentence fragment is a part of a sentence, such as just the subject noun, or just a verb.

What is a sentence fagment?

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. A complete sentence requires at least a subject and verb. A sentence fragment is missing one of these.

Will the end of the world come?

when you're least expecting it

What is the best way to fix this sentence fragment if it is a sentence fragment The man quickly?

It is just a fragment, not a sentence. It has no verb or object.The man quickly drank the tea because he had to catch the bus.

What is the difference between a sentence fragment and a sentence?

sentence is a complete thought with a noun and verb. Fragment is just part of a sentence and does not make a complete thought.

Is 'A year that was' a sentence or a fragment?


Is (how are you) a fragment?

It is a fragment that shouldn't be capitalized or punctuated.

Cutting taxes by a specified fixed amount?

Can you rephrase this? This is not a question. It is just a sentence fragment.

What is the best way to fix this sentence fragment if it is a sentence fragment. Attended Yale?

He/She attended Yale? Did your dad really attend Yale? basically, just put a person in before attended.