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Seriously? Well what do you think? you jump off of a tower that's 764 ft high- over concrete!, with nothing but a wrist thick bundle of rubber bands tied to your ankles to stop you from plowing into the ground like a bug into a windshield. I've made several hundred bungee jumps but never had the opportunity to jump off anything quite that high yet. But I would jump at the chance!-No pun intended! But every single jump is scary- from the first one, only 100 ft high over water-it was terryifying, to my last jump that I made-although only 250 ft high it was my-well not sure I've lost track- but my several hundredth jump and it too, was "scary"- they all are. Sure they get easier to do and less scary, but it never goes away! There is always fear- other wise why do it? that's the whole reason for doing it. But I would have to say that to jump off the tower at Macau-for your first jump would be very very "scary"- although EXTREMELY HORRIFYING would probably be a more accurate description!

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Q: Is bungee jumping at the macau tower scary?
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The Macau Tower is located in the Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Construction was completed in 2001 and the tower is 338m (1,108.9 ft.) high.

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What are positive effects of bungee jumping?

Bungee jumping is one extreme sport which so few people dare to experience. Who can easily have the guts to jump on air, fall to some exhilarating distance, and be suspended for some great minutes? Certainly not all of us! But what is in this sport that makes many people enjoy it? What are its benefits to both the body and mind?Here are 10 advantages of experiencing bungee jumping:Conquering fear. Bungee jumping can be a perfect way to face our fears and confront them. Not only the fear of heights, but as well as the fear of open spaces, strong wind, being turned upside-down, and even vibrations. We need to summon every ounce of courage and strip away our terrors and inhibitions in order to experience this sport. In life, this translates to us being bold and daring in our actions and decisions.Satisfying a sense of adventure. It feels dull to be always on the safe side. So occasionally, we thirst for danger and the high of experiencing it. Bungee jumping just might be a great way to satisfy this quest, giving us the feeling of being on the edge of things, being on "danger" but not actually in danger.Feeling good. The experience of bungee jumping can give one a good feeling of "being alive". Adrenaline is rushing throughout the body and this ultimately releases feel-good hormones known as endorphins. Well, floating in air simply gives us a carefree and unburdened feeling.Releasing stress. With all the workings of our hormones, the feeling of lightness and high, we find ourselves abandoning all worries and stresses as we fall and bounce with the rope, relishing the wind and the scenes that unfold before our eyes.Stretching exercise. Quite obvious, bungee jumping gives the body an opportunity to stretch out every muscle, from the ankles down to the tip of the fingers. Consequently, it strengthens the muscles and improves our physical stamina and reflexes.Risky but relatively safe. Bungee jumping seems dangerous at first glance. However, all technicalities have been perfected before anyone can jump in. Calculations are done right - from the tower height, the tension and tightness of the ropes and straps, and down to every bounce and deflection - that we can be assured of a fun and safe activity. Only things to really worry about are dizziness and possible minor strain or tear afterwards.Checking up hidden injuries. The physical stretching and the resulting strain may awaken certain latent injuries in the body. It may seem bad but this gives us a better chance to evaluate our body and health.Romantic getaway. Bungee jumping just might be an out-of-the-box date for the romantics who got bored with the usual movie or picnic weekends. Though the sport entails a good budget, nothing beats an unforgettable and somewhat crazy moment with a loved one. Besides, bungee jumping is not something we can do every day.Good airs. Everyone is not brave enough to try bungee jumping and overcoming the thrill gives us the bragging rights. Such few minutes of adventure can give us overflowing stories to tell and share with our family, friends and co-workers.Fun memory. At the end of the day, more than the mental and physical advantages, it is the wonderful and enjoyable experience that we will treasure the most.