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Yes! Have you heard of San Diego Spree? Dynasty? Hornets? Its legal unless used for vandilization.

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13y ago

It all depends on your area. If you are in an Urban area then obviously, this would not be the best idea. Though in a rural area, one should not receive much complients.

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13y ago

as long as you don't shoot anything that is not yours it is legal. You should also ask your neighbors first.

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As long as you don't shoot someone or someone else's property then that is fine.

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Q: Is a small paintball field in the backyard legal in California?
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Is playing paintball in your backyard legal in Edmonton Alberta and would one have to notify neighbors and the local police?

No paintball markers are not firearms.

Is playing paintball with underage kids in your backyard legal?

If the children are not old enough to play at a certified field, then it is more than likely illegal. The average age for a field is around 10 to 13 years of age, depending on state or local laws. The legal age to purchase a paintball marker is 18, but can be used by a minor with consent.

Is playing paintball in your backyard legal in new jesey?

No, as long as you only shoot at your property on your property.

Is playing paintball in your backyard legal in Connecticut?

No. Because, in order for you to shoot them you would have to get their permission to shoot them. If you accidentally shoot somebody inside your backyard without their permission, it is their fault for being in the yard with someone that has a paintball gun and is shooting it in the first place.

Are paintball guns legal in clark county Nevada?

yes I've been to an paintball field in clark county

If someone gets hurt in your backyard by a paintball gun can they sue you?

Yes, any injury sustained on your property are your legal responsibility.

Is it legal to shoot deer in your wooded backyard with a paintball gun in NJ?

This all truly depends on the area you are in. New Jersey has mostly urban cities, therefore it would be difficult to shoot it in your backyard without being unsafe. To make life easier, go to a paintball field.

Is it legal to put your name on a paintball jersey?

Very much so.....But check with your local field to find out about any other aditional rules about paintball jerseys. MOSLTY ALL fields or events don't care. But i have NEVER seen a field that doesn't allow you to.

Is it legal to shoot a paintball gun in the city?

I think everywhere but if youre not sure u should just go to a paintball field or your backyard or the woods for woodsball p pa pai pain paint paintb paintba paintbal paintball paintbal paintba paintb paint pain pai pa p

Is it legal to shoot paintball guns in your backyard in Greensboro NC?

It depends on your area. If you are located in a busy city or town, then it is not. However there is no problem with shooting your paintball gun in a wooded area.

What paintball places can you play at the age of 9?

Depends on the field, each field is different, there is no "legal" age you have to be to play paintball but largely fields will not allow anyone under 10 to play. That aside I have played with a few kids younger, you just have to call around to fields and ask.

What is the legal age to paintball?