No, Dude Perfect are not fake. They are professional quaterbacks that practice long shots with basketballs. It is real and awesome.
I have met them in real life, and seen their tricks first hand.
No, Dude Perfect are not fake. They are professional quarter backs that practice long shots using basketballs. It is real.
If it was in perfect condition it's fake.
That was fake dude.
it is completely fake not related to anything dude
Dude give it up, i tryed, it was fake.
Dude its not aliens or God it was just a fake hoaex to advertise a film dude..
Cody is 6.6 and Coby is 5.9
perfect since my dude.
yes dude
got to be legit
practice I can do it go to you tube dude perfect
the dude who don't knows anything about mechanical engineering but .....?