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You would jump up, but then of course, gravity will take effect and you would, inevitably, come spiraling down to Earth. There also is the chance that, determined by the velocity of the falling plane, you would fly up even further because of the force of wind and G-force of the falling plane and air currents. In this event you would have even less of a chance of living, unless you had a parachute, then your chances would increase. Just out of curiosity, were you planning on jumping out of any crashing planes? Please, suicide is not the answer. Please contact your local suicide prevention hotline to talk to a person with a calm, persuading voice. You only have one chance. Don't waste it.

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Q: If you jump off a plane just before it crashes will you jump up or down?
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Gravity is an example of what?

an example of gravity is sky diving. the gravity is pulling down the the ground after you jump out of the plane.

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The previous answerer misunderstood the question, which is about jumping inside the cabin of a plane in flight, not jumping *out* of the plane. You will not move toward the back of the plane, as long as the plane isn't accelerating. Think about the Earth -- it's orbiting the sun at tremendous speed, but you don't fly off it when you jump up and down in your yard.

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If you climb up the ladder on the back of the truck next to the plane, you can jump off the white front and onto the fence under the plane out of the map, drop down, and your out!

Do you have to jump out of plane?

not if you dont want to

Does a plane weigh less if you jump up in it?

No, the plane would weigh the same.

What is a sentence with up in it?

Why do people always jump up and not down? I am feeling very happy and up today Look at the plane up in the sky

What forces act on you when you jump out of a plane?

When you jump out of a plane, two main forces act on you: gravity, pulling you towards the ground, and air resistance, slowing you down as you fall. Any other forces would be negligible in comparison during a typical skydiving scenario.

How can you slow down your horse before a jump?

You can pull back on the reins and lean back.