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With the proper safety equipment, and playing with guns that are shooting below the safe 300-350fps range there has never been a death from a paintball headshot. However, if you were to get hit with a gun firing excessivly fast, or get hit in the eye because you weren't wearing a mask there is a risk of death.

Paintball, when played with the proper equipment within safety margins is one of the safest leisure activities in the world.

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Q: If you are shot in the head with a paintball will you die?
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How many people die by a paintball gun?

No one has died as a result of being shot with a paintball gun.

What does the temple on your head do?

the temple is the closest spot to the brain dont get shot there while playing paintball it hurts :D

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he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart

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IT depends on where you get shot, if you get shot in the back of the head it hurts a lot more when it doesn't break, but if your get shot in the foot it doesn't hurt at all.

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no she did inot die

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He was shot in the head.

What model of paintball gun killed Colette Contois?

it was not the marker that killed her, it was the CO2 tank that ruptured and shot off and hit her in the head

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as soon as the paintball leaves the barrel, the paintball begins to be affected by gravity.

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What was invented by a lumberjack?

paintball was invented by lumberjacks they shot or marked the trees the got drunk and shot each other and paintball was born

What is a head shot?

A head shot is a term used when a person or object is shot in the head with a bullet, paintball, air-soft, ETC. It is most ofter used in video games such a s Modern Warfare 2, or halo but if anybody else has a better description than this please feel free to edit this