If you restored it, it should have been returned to the location it was deleted from.
whole blood is collected, the desired blood component is removed, and the remainder is returned to the donor.
It is reasonable to expect that if you know who stole your car, and the police are involved, your car is probably going to be returned to you, so it is premature to file an insurance claim. If the car is returned in a damaged condition, you may then have a claim.
Well if a bill is paid twice, save for the extra money paid getting locked for the length of time till it is returned and/or adjusted in the next bill there is, in general, no other hassle. Only in rare cases when we cannot establish the duplicate payment and/or the party involved is not approachable or has ill intentions we may worry about the extra payment. [Alikban]
Ocean is involved in evaporation. Water is returned back to oceans after rain.
if they hit you when they're in the air, ya. but only if the person through the grenade hard. when they explode, it's just messy, and it's a pain in the butt to clean off your splattered mask.
Possibly - but probably not - IF you returned the opened box and ALL its contents to FedEx.Realistically - IF you opened the box (WHY did you open a box not addressed to you?), the carrier (FedEx) would bear some of the blame for mis-delivering it but if you kept any of the items you could be charged with Theft.
After the test, it is important to refrain from eating or drinking until the gag reflex has returned-otherwise, the patient may accidentally inhale some of the food or beverage. If a sedative has been given, patients should not drive.
Tony Gideon was originally from Birmingham and he has returned to the city. He's back involved in the music biz & working in the recording studio again.
Generally the word you use to refer to yourself is the same whether or not another person is involved. You would say "please return this to me" and you would say "please return this to Lisa and me." You would say "I would like this returned" and you would also say "Lisa and I would like this returned."
Getting truly emotionally involved with someone means opening yourself up to getting hurt by them. You have to decide if its worth the risk, and if your feelings aren't returned try not to take it personally.
In 1976, Evan Thomspon returned to New Hampshire from an African buffalo-hunting safari, and discussed with his friend Bob Gurnsey the idea of a game in which the participants would stalk each other through the woods. The concept was inspired in part by the short story The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell. In 1981, Gaines and eleven others played the first game of paintball, using Nel-Spot pistols which were intended for marking trees and livestock by ranchers. This initial game was a capture the flag style scenario. Later, Bob Gurnsey formed the National Survival Game company, which was the first firm to sell paintball equipment.